Please Park Properly
We can make this world a better place by just taking a little bit of extra effort and time to park a vehicle properly. Please e-mail your photos and details (date, time, place, vehicle number) of the incident to
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Date: Saturday, 02nd June, 2007
Time: 2010 hours
Place: Marina Square car park B2
Contributor: CD
CD: Was with my friends and we had difficulty boarding my friend's car because this massive car was simply too close to my friend's car.
Are we being too fussy to be upset over such incidents or is it really OK for some cars to park closer to one side? Or are the parking lots really too small for BMWs?
I am not a driver so I am not sure. It just happened that I was having my camera and taking my friend's car.
You be the judge. Thank you.
PP: Usually, there's no excuse for parking inconsiderately off the center of a lot, as it can cause inconvenience and difficulty for people getting into the car just next to it. From the photo you sent, i would call it a borderline case as the BMW was still parked within its lot. Simple solution for u when getting into such a car: Let your friend move his car out of his lot first, then it would be easier for you to board his car.