Monday, November 27, 2006


Contributor: Miss Taupok
Place: NUS Bukit Timah campus car park.
Date: Wednesday, 22nd November, 2006
Time: 1007 hours
Miss Taupok: Even though the parking lot is labeled ‘STAFF’, it is actually meant for students/guests. The lots in this campus are extremely limited. This section is one that is closer to the school building itself, and there are probably about 10 to 15 or so lots there, yet this driver parked across TWO lots instead of 1.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Contributor: MIT
Date: Monday, 20th November, 2006
Time: 0942 hours and 2030 hours
Place: Passenger drop-off cum pick-up point between Blocks 175 and 176, Lompang Road.
MIT: For those fella residents in Blk 175 & 176 Lompang Rd (Bt Panjang), they shall be very familiar with this particular blue "VIP"(Very Idiot Person) vehicle, SFJ7573T.
Practically, on every weekday night, and every weekend day & night, this car occupies the pick-up point. The situation has been going on for years, from the time he was driving his Lancer.
Understandly, the driver wants his passengers to get in & out of Blk 175 without getting a single rain drop, and wants his loved ones to walk to & fro his block & car within the shortest distance. Fair enough if he just drops his passengers and parks at the multi-storey carpark at Block 177A. By parking his car there for hours everyday, he has enjoyed his convenience while sacrificing the convenience of the other residents.
Cheers to this VIP SFJ7573T. He seems to own the entire Block 175 & the pick-up point.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Contributor: Roo
Place: Carpark behind Tampines Swimming Complex
Date: Tuesday, 05th November, 2006
Time: 1100 hours
Roo: Don't think you can park as you like just because you occupy the side lot. Be civilised. Park properly.
PP: Driver might have parked slanted like that so close to the tree because he or she wanted to get maximum shade from the tree. At least the Altis driver did not pose hindrance to other drivers who parked properly. It does look a tad funny and weird though. It really makes you wonder if the driver deliberately parked like that or just didn't bother to park straight properly.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Contributor: TEU
Place: Carpark behind Blk 301 Serangoon Avenue 2
Date: Tuesday, 07th November, 2006
Time: 1632 hours
TEU: Please park properly. Be careful. TEU is always around to snap your photo.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Contributed by: JC
Place: Block 204 MSCP Punggol Field
Date: Sunday, 05th November, 2006
Time: 1451 hours
JC: Do all the new car owners park this way?
PP: Only those who can't be bothered to park properly.

Friday, November 03, 2006

SDX9091D & GZ2306K

Contributed by: TEU
Place: Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre Car Park
Date: Tuesday, 22nd August, 2006
Time: 1622 hours
TEU: I spotted this case. I will continue to send you photos whenever I catch them during my 'rounds'.


Contributed by: TEU
Place: Upper Serangoon Road, in front of No. 1000 Upper Serangoon Road
Date: Tuesday, 22nd August, 2006
Time: 1553 hours
TEU: Sorry I don't know how to address you. The WRX driver happens to be a lady.
PP: You can simply call me PP, short for Parking Perfectionist.