Contributed by: Sky
Place: Blk 511A, Choa Chu Kang Street 51
Date: Sunday, 10th November, 2006
Time: 0035 hours
Sky: NOTICE OF PARKING OFFENCE served on United Premas Limited
Notice Number: 123456789A
Vehicle Number: FX506K
Place of Offence: Choa Chu Kang Street 51 Blk511A
Parking Lot Number: 36
Date & Time of Offence: 10/12/2006 00:35AM
Rule Infringed (For description, see below): 13#, 13*, 4(1)#
Composition Amount: $??
Rule No. - Nature of Offence
13# - Parking beyond the boundaries of a parking lot
13* - Parking/Stopping in such a manner as to cause obstruction
PP: This is funny. United Premas is one of the contractors that is engaged by HDB and URA to issue summons on their behalf after they outsourced their carpark enforcement function. Now one of their parking wardens has been caught for parking improperly. This bugger might have gone to Choa Chu Kang to catch people who have either not displayed or have displayed insufficient parking coupon(s). But he failed to cover his own ass by parking his motorbike properly before discharging his duties.